This calculator can be used to estimate your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE Calculator).


What is TDEE?

TDEE stands for Total Daily Energy Expenditure, which represents the total number of calories an individual burns in a day, including both resting metabolic rate and physical activity.

How is TDEE calculated?

TDEE is calculated using several factors, such as basal metabolic rate (BMR), physical activity level, age, gender, and weight. The most common formula to calculate TDEE is the Harris-Benedict equation.

What is the Harris-Benedict equation?

The Harris-Benedict equation is a mathematical formula used to estimate an individual’s TDEE. There are different versions for men and women:
For men: TDEE = BMR x Activity Factor
For women: TDEE = BMR x Activity Factor

What is BMR, and how is it different from TDEE?

BMR stands for Basal Metabolic Rate, which represents the number of calories your body needs to maintain basic physiological functions at rest. TDEE includes BMR as well as the additional calories burned through physical activity.

How can I determine my activity factor?

The activity factor is a multiplier that reflects your level of physical activity. It ranges from sedentary (little to no exercise) to very active (intense exercise or physical job). You can choose your activity factor based on your daily routine and exercise habits.

What factors can influence TDEE?

TDEE can be influenced by various factors, including age, gender, weight, muscle mass, metabolism, and level of physical activity.

Is TDEE the same for everyone?

No, TDEE varies from person to person due to individual differences in metabolism, body composition, and activity levels.

How accurate is a TDEE calculator?

TDEE calculators provide a reasonable estimate of your daily calorie needs, but they are not 100% accurate. They are based on general formulas and assumptions, and individual variations may cause slight deviations.

Should I use TDEE to plan my diet and fitness goals?

TDEE is a useful tool to help you determine your daily calorie intake for weight maintenance, weight loss, or weight gain. However, it’s essential to remember that diet and fitness goals should be personalized and monitored based on individual progress.

Can TDEE change over time?

Yes, TDEE can change over time due to factors like changes in weight, age, activity levels, and muscle mass. It’s essential to reassess your TDEE periodically if your lifestyle or body composition undergoes significant changes.

How often should I recalculate my TDEE?

If your goal is weight maintenance, it’s recommended to recalculate your TDEE every few months. For weight loss or weight gain, regular reevaluations are necessary to adjust your calorie intake as you progress toward your goal.